This data library contains a full catalog of spatial data held on the GIS server of City of Covington. The city holds 83 themed datasets that are classified under 8 subjects - Assets, Environment, Maintenance, Parks, Property Information, Storm water, Transportation, and Fire.

A subset of data can be viewed online under Gallery of Covington ArcGIS Online:

For use of data and mapping help, please contact the cityโ€™s GIS coordinator, Tianzhe Wang, .

Alternatively, submit a work order to Covington Service Desk (City Staff only)
Send an email to ;
Or go to the web portal for the Service Desk at

Track the timeline of work orders (City Staff only)
Covington Sharepoint Sites
Or GIS Work Order Planner

Other sources of data:
King County iMap
Washington Geospatial Open Data Portal

1. Assets

1.1 Conduit
1.2 Garbage Cans
1.3 Guardrails
1.4 Junc Box
1.5 Monuments
1.6 Street Lights
1.7 Traffic Signals
1.8 Tree Inventory (2014)
1.9 Type 3 Barricades
1.10 Generic PT

2. Environments

2.1 Topographic Maps - Elevation - 5ft Contour Lines
2.2 Drainage Basins
2.3 Noxious Weeds
2.4 Wetland Area
2.5 Waterbody
2.6 Waterlines
2.7 Waterlines of King County 

3. Maintenance

3.1 Maintenance Zones
3.2 Pothole Repairs
3.3 Weekly Mow Routes
3.4 CWD Valves
3.5 DeIcer Routes
3.6 Downtown Route
3.7 Drainage Route
3.8 Indscp Mntnc
3.9 SE 272nd Medians
3.10 Slope Mow
3.11 Snow Route
3.12 Sweeping Routes
3.13 Wind Route

4. Parks

4.1 CCP Trail Lines
4.2 City Parks (updated on 2022.7)
4.3 Trails (*)

5. Property Information

5.1 Address Labels (2018)
5.2 City Limits
5.3 City Owned Properties
5.4 Drainage Easement
5.5 Drug Free Zone Buffers
5.6 HOA Property
5.7 Non Residential Properties
5.8 Parcels
5.9 PLATs
5.10 School Sites
5.11 Septic Sites
5.12 Zoning (2022.7)
5.13 Development Activity
5.15 Downtown Area
5.15 Parcels of King County
5.16 Property Owners
5.17 Property Attributes

6. Storm water

6.1 Catch Basins
6.2 Culvert 
6.3 Inlet
6.4 Mapbook QSTR SEC
6.5 MB PGS
6.6 Outlet
6.7 Stormwater Facility - Private
6.8 Stormwater Facility - Public
6.9 Stormwater Line
6.10 Adopt a Drain

7. Transportation

7.1 Crash Data (2010 to 2020)
7.2 Curb ramps
7.3 Adopt a Street
7.4 Collector Street
7.5 Bike Lanes
7.6 Bike Los
7.7 Pedestrian Lanes
7.8 Road Age
7.9 Road Segments (2022.8)
7.10 Road Lines
7.11 Row
7.12 Crash Data Density
7.13 Six-yr Tip
7.14 Sidewalks
7.15 Obstructions
7.16 Pavement

8. Fire*

8.1 Fire Stations
8.2 Building Footprints
8.3 Driveways
8.4 Fire Department Boundary
8.5 Hydrants of Kent Dist.
8.6 Landing Zones
8.7 No Hydrant Zones